Friday, November 12, 2004

to my girlfriend

bike best shot, originally uploaded by scotterickson.

holly and i started dating when we met up in amsterdam this last summer. this is a killer shot of us trying to ride a bike the way the dutch do. i wanted to include this picture because my blog wouldn't be complete without her.

i've been the perpetual bachelor for most of my life. all my friends have been marrying off and it's kind of been a joke that i would be forever single. but in my heart i knew i desired to love and be loved by someone... so a day came when i pledged to stop dating and i told God i wasn't going to date anymore until i met the one i was going to marry. i would just spend my time trying to love jesus more.

so here she is. our story is cool and you should all hear it sometime, so just ask and we'll share.

things i would like you to know about holly:
- her heart is huge and full of compassion for people, especially children. she's gifted with children like micheal jordan is gifted with a basketball. it's a joy to watch her in action and i learn so much just being around her.
-she's a talker which i love cause it draws me out of my interior self, which i can live in for hours.
-she's a good fit. especially at cuddling....mmm...
-she's a good friend
she loves to laugh, which means she will overcome any obstacle in life and open any door with everyone she meets.
-i think she's so damn sexy. the mysteries of womanhood are wrapped up in her small frame... every move she makes is graceful and beautiful.
- she can do a couple breakdance moves that are awesome!
- there are moments when i'm sharing with her my dreams... and she looks at me and i feel like i can do anything.

so there is my little ode to her. it might be sappy yes... but i don't care what others think. i always want to be sappily smitten over her and i will never be afraid to show it.

holly, my life is lighter with you in it.

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