Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Miscellaneous Awesome

I had the wierdest day today... and as i'm sitting here going through stacks of paper... i just want to write it down. mostly to get it out of my head befor i go to bed...

* i had the strangest dream last night. i wish i wrote it down this morning when i could have remembered it all. in the dream some accident had happened to me and my friends. i had gone into a coma (although i did not know this). when i woke up (in my dream) i found out that i had lived and everyone else had died. it was very sad. the saddest was not knowing and having my other friends tell me what had happened while i was in a coma. i woke up very sad this morning. i wanted to tell my wife in the darkened bedroom... but i didn't want to bum her out either

* i went to prayer. i meet with a group of people on tuesday mornings and we pray.... mostly for the city, but our lives come up as well. it struck me this morning how many of us are in transitional stages right now. in fact all of us were. new jobs. new homes. new communities. new geographical locations. transitions are always hard because the rythym of your life is off and eveything seems very up in the air.

* my friend brian was visiting from california so i let him have my care today as i was working a lunch shift at the green lake bar and grill. we stopped by my studio on the way to work to drop off some art supplies and to pick up a painting that my manager wants to buy. i also gave brian another painting that was just sitting around. he loved it. it was one of the VW paintings.

* my manager today said that when he gets back from greece (which he's leaving for in a week) he wants to go out with me and justin ( the bartender) and get really drunk. i told him i was game but i wasn't a fun drunk. i just get tired. but if we went karoaking....

* my coworker megan gave me these random encouraging words today... about how much she likes working with me and she thinks i'm awesome. it's wierd when you feel uneventful, even blah, and yet there are people around you who perceive you differently....

* i got off of work and skateboarded home... still wearing my tie.

* brian was at home when i got there and we cruised over to green lake for a swim. i usually swim half the lake, out to this buoy, and then back. he kept right along and almost beat me. while we were out there, i had totally forgot to look out for crew boats.... and while we were sleeping them came by. the boat people get a little cocky... they have the mentality that they own the place. i whistled in mockery of them....

* driving brian to the airport.... he gave me a bunch of cool music this week. we were listening to some gabriella and so and so (can't remember)... which is kickin classical guitar music. brian asked, "how do you classify this kind of music?" I said that you could make a "miscellaneous awesome" folder.

* while we were driving, we were in slow traffic driving on this over pass by the downtown. down below, i saw these two dudes beating up another guy. he had blood coming out of his mouth and he yelled "help!" to the cars passing. i yelled "hey" out my window, but the other two guys didn't stop or flinch or anything. i saw the main aggressor just deck the guy across the other guys face. i couldn't stop though. i was in moving traffic and about 25 ft above them. we just had to keep going. it was so depressing. we both felt sick to our stomachs with powerlessness.

*holly and i made tacos together for dinner. we invited about four other people to join, but nobody could come. we were the only ones around....

* our friend annie just moved in down in the basement apartment. she is super swamped, as we all are, and there is a lot of cleaning and fixing things that needs to happen. especially her bathroom. we basically need to scrap the whole wall in the shower and tile it. also the light was broken. we rolled to fred meyers and got the paint remover. we fixed the light but i spent time scrapping and scrapping.... it has to be one of the most suckiest jobs i've done. it's still not done though.... not for a while. so annie has to come up and use our bathroom. i think she's cool with it. we just want her place to rock. we are excited to have her her.

*holly wants to go to bed and i'm writing this blog. so i should end.

not a monumental day in the history of man. but just a strange one to live.
if you read this whole thing, you have a better attention span than me.

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