Monday, March 26, 2007

The Value of $300

This painting is about materialism.
It's not saying owning stuff is wrong. It more has to do with the end of Schindler's List. During this film, Schindler had been using his wealth to save the lives of Jews during the Holocaust. After it was all over... in this last scene, we see him looking though his goods, showing a pen, saying "see this pen. it has gold on it. i could have gotten two jewish lives for it."

The comment on this painting isn't about owning things... but more about do we know the value of what we have. For $300 you could buy an ipod, but you could also save the life of a child for a year. This truth exist... and we have to wrestle with the knowledge of this truth.

I wonder if we will have a moment of retrospect where we question the value of what we kept.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My personal favorite.

I suggest an alternate title: "A swift kick to the junk" because that is how it made me feel.

Keep up the kickass.