Monday, March 26, 2007

Heart Transplant

This has to do with sabbath and identity.

We have a PDA in place or the heart... on the PDA is "Sunday/ To Do/ Be productive"

Have you really ever tried to take a day off? Really... not do anything? By mid afternoon when i haven't called anyone, or emailed, or done something... i feel so worthless. i'm such a slave to productivity.

Alot of us are. We always are go go go. and when we aren't we freak out, become restless, or fall into some kind of depression.
So much of our identity is wrapped up in what we do. We have forgot how to just be. We have forgotten that in the silence the One from which we have all come from speaks to us about who He is and who we are in Him. This is where are value comes from. This day renews us to do the rest of the week where we are told so many other things.....

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